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Gold Creek

Gold Creek is a stream that flows into Port Valdez several miles west of town. The Shoup Bay Trail crosses Gold Creek; the creek divides Section A (Valdez to Gold Creek) from Section B (Gold Creek to Shoup Bay). A bridge is provided over the creek to allow hikers to cross safely. 

a metal and wood bridge over a creek

The foot-bridge over Gold Creek


A camping area is provided with firepits, an outhouse and food lockers to safely store food. 

an outhouse in a temperate rainforest


"The Gold Creek riverbed is prone to flooding and the stream channel changes often. At times, the Valdez-side entrance to the Gold Creek Bridge can be difficult to reach," Valdez Parks & Recreation

Bear-resistant storage boxes are provided away from the camping area for campers to safely store food in. 

food lockers on a hiking trail to prevent bears