Photo by Gary Minish
Discover Valdez is proud to announce our photo contest winners:
Drumroll, please… Congratulations to Stephanie Cannazarro!, our Instagram Choice Winner in the Discover Valdez Photo contest as voted by YOU! But hold on tight because there’s more. Round of ovation for our first and second place winners from other categories below!
And here’s what they won! Stephanie gets a dinner for two at @Themerm, valued at $100. First-place winners in all five categories will receive $50 at @prospectoroutfitters, $25 at @Northwindfloral, and $25 at @ARoguesGarden. Second-prize winners will receive $25 at @badassboardshop.
Business: (first place) Isaiah Yard, (second place) Cindy Boyd
Nature: (first place) Kendal Strachan, (second place) Kathy Cross
Social: (first place) Lena Lee, (second place) Christa Andersen
Water: (first place) Todd Graven, (second place) Andrew Baczuk
Wildlife: (first place) Bernard Marschner, (second place tie) Melissa Meade & Joy Witte
Congratulations to all the winners, and to those who did not hit the first and second place this time -- Submit to our Winter Photo Contest. It was a tough choice and a tight race for everyone. See you at the next round!
Please feel free to submit photos at any time! They may end up gracing the pages of our award winning, internationally viewed Visitor Guide. Or you might find your prized shot on our homepage!
We are currently seeking:
- Great social shots -- food, friends and fun!
- Unique views of our local businesses
- That epic Vacation photo
- All things Valdez (birds, bears, glaciers and more!)
⬇Share your best shots through our form below!⬇
Discover Valdez (the Valdez Convention & Visitors Bureau) partners with
journalists, travel writers, social media influencers, videographers, and other content creators!
Please contact us with any inquiries.
309 Fairbanks Drive
Valdez, Alaska 99686 USA
Phone: (907) 835-2984
Itinerary Planning
Discover Valdez assists in itinerary planning for those visiting Valdez. We are glad to work with writers and influencers in itinerary planning for their assignment in Valdez. Please email us at with your media kit, an introduction about yourself, your prospective travel dates, and detail of your assignment in Valdez.