August in Valdez
August is a great time to visit Valdez, with so much to do.
Gold Rush Days
The annual Valdez Gold Rush Days celebration is held each year over the final week of July and the first week of August. If you're visiting during the beginning of August, make sure to check our the local festivals celebrating Valdez's gold rush heritage.
Photo from Valdez Gold Rush Days
Glacier & Wildlife Tours
August is a great time to see Valdez's abundant wildlife and glaciers. Local tour operators run throughout the month offering tours including cruises, ATV tours, helicopter tours and guided kayak tours.
Photo from Stan Stephens Glacier & Wildlife Cruises
August is a great month for fishing in Valdez. Local fishing charters head out daily to fish for halibut, salmon and rockfish. Fishing from shore along Dayville Road is also an option during August. Pink salmon are more common earlier in August, and runs of silver salmon arrive later in the month.
Women's Silver Salmon Derby
The Women's Silver Salmon Derby, which is part of the annual Valdez Fish Derbies, draws more than 5,000 women anglers to Valdez. Join the Silver Salmon Sisterhood and win great prizes.
August is a great for exploring Valdez's miles of hiking trails. Just remember to remain bear aware while out on the trails!
Museums & History
Valdez has several museums that are open during the month of August. Check out the Valdez Museum on Egan Drive, and the museum's "Remembering Old Valdez" exhibit on Hazelet Avenue. The Maxine & Jesse Whitney Museum at Prince William Sound College is also open throughout August. It's also possible to explore the original Valdez townsite, known locally as Old Town, where Valdez stood before the 1964 earthquake.
Richardson Highway Rendezvous
Annual music and art festival held each August in Valdez. Each year the Richardson Highway Rendezvous invites local and regional food, craft, and art vendors to join the festival. Proceeds from the events go to local music programs and scholarships.
Photo by Callen Hearne