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2020 Mask Mandate

During their regular meeting on Tuesday, Valdez City Council approved Public Health Mandate 003. The mandate goes into effect at 5pm on Friday, July 10, 2020.

The mandate requires all persons in Valdez over the age of five to wear a protective mask or cloth face covering in public or communal places outside the home where social distancing of six feet cannot be maintained.

The mandate does not apply to those who cannot wear a face covering due to medical conditions, mental health conditions, or disability or those performing an activity which cannot be conducted safely while wearing a mask. The mandate does not apply while actively eating or drinking.

Students enrolled in Valdez School District schools or a licensed childcare facility may be exempted during school activities as determined by Valdez School Board policy or DHSS childcare licensing requirements.

To read Local Health Mandate #003 in its entirety please click here.

COV: Mask Mandate

From City of Valdez